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Solitude – Blog No. 93


100-Years-of-SolitudeSolitude is essential.  If you cannot be on your own with yourself for more than a few minutes at a time, you have to address what it is in you that keeps you from peace.  To be at one with yourself, is peace.  If your head is non-compliant when it comes to solitude, i.e. negative thoughts penetrate the space that you create by being alone, you need to ask the bully in you why it waits until no one else is around before it starts its assault.  The wise thing to do when you find yourself trashing your own solitude is to ask yourself what you are doing.  You will be interested to hear the answer.  If you ask the question and there is no answer, then perhaps you need to spend more time listening to your motivations in life.

Solitude should be an aspiration for every single day.  You really should find a place to be by yourself for half an hour, at the very least.  That means nothing talking to you, demanding of you, distracting you.  If you cannot stand being alone – and there are a great many people like that – then you have to train yourself.  Little by little.  Let the time you spend by yourself climb in increments.  You cannot escape the fact that when you die you will be alone in your mind.  Completely and totally alone.  Who and what you have chosen to furnish your head with will determine how pleasant your afterlife experience is.  Please remember that your ‘afterlife’ is not what happens to you immediately after your death experience, it is the rebirth that comes after the mandatory period of solitude during which you will have space to assess your past life and plan your next.

That solitude should scare so many people is a strange phenomenon.  What can you possibly do to yourself, with your thoughts, even when you are on your own?  I mean they are thoughts – under your control.  That they should get louder the quieter you become should not be something that frightens you.  That is so you can assess their message, their frequency.  If there is an urgency in your thinking your thoughts will be loud.  That does not mean that you increase your white noise to drown out their sound.  You listen, you hear.  It is time.  The fact that leaders are so adept at ignoring the planet’s problems is now everyone’s problem.  We are each a reflection of our environment.  The larger, global environment.  It’s demise, is ours.  One, by one, by one.

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